Queens College Library – Librarian Vacancies Announcement (9/12/23) 

Seeking Candidates as Full-Time Substitute Librarians, and as Part-Time Adjunct Librarians 

Queens College Library (QCL) supports student success and faculty development through its resources, services, and spaces in accordance with the college’s educational mission. QCL seeks creative, collaborative, and user-centered librarians to support teaching and learning in the schools of Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, and Math & Natural Sciences. Our librarians will work with Library and College partners to improve services and outreach to students and faculty across academic departments. QCL encourages innovation in librarianship and expects librarians to possess strong interpersonal and creative skills, and the desire to develop new areas of expertise. 

As members of the Library Faculty, these public service positions will combine core librarianship and teaching responsibilities, such as research assistance and library instruction, with subject specialist and technology-based services to students and faculty.  

The Library and College embrace the diversity of the borough of Queens and welcomes such diversity in its students and personnel. QCL promotes a hybrid work schedule for full-timers (80% on-site, 20% remote), and all positions may include evenings and weekends. 

These positions are open until filled – review of applications begins September 18th. 

For details and to apply for a position, see our Employment page or these direct links: 

Questions about the positions or the hiring process can be addressed to james.mellone@qc.cuny.edu.

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