Celebrating Diversity: Native American Heritage Resources

Resources for Native American Studies by James Tasato Mellone, Historical Cultural and Social Sciences Librarian

The QC Library is glad to celebrate Native American History Month! In this time of Thanksgiving we acknowledge the contributions to our global society made by the many Native American nations and civilizations. When discussing diversity, we remember our Native American fellow citizens, whether students or colleagues, or neighbors or friends, and recognize the continued value of their traditions of friendship and thanksgiving, spirituality and environmental consciousness.

Here are two new guides curated to encourage our learning more about Native American culture and history, inside and outside of the classroom.

The new Native American Studies research guide is a good starting place for student research.

Below are a few highlights from our Native American Heritage Month: Resources guide!

Native America: A History by Michael Leroy Oberg
ISBN: 1118937120
Publication Date: 2017-05-30

“The new edition includes expanded coverage of the period since the Second World War, including an updated discussion of the Red Power Movement, the legal status of native nations in the United States, and important developments that have transformed Indian Country over the past 75 years.  Also new to this edition are sections focusing on the Pacific Northwest.”

“The Invention of Thanksgiving” by Paul Chaat Smith, Curator of “Americans”


“Do American Indians Celebrate Thanksgiving?” by Dennis Zotigh, “Smithsonian Voices”

Sihasin: Homegrown Concert, Music performance sponsored by the Library of Congress