NEW computers in the library

Vintage clothes? Unique and funky. Antique furniture? Could be gorgeous. But no one wants to use a ‘classic’ computer in the college library! Rosenthal Library is installing 75 brand-new computer workstations. Come down to the 2nd floor computer labs and check them out!

OER and Digital Literacy Faculty Fellows

Please join us in welcoming the 2019 OER and Digital Literacy Faculty Fellows! This inaugural cohort and library faculty support team include (from left): Robin Hizme, English; Kristin Hart, Chief Librarian; Hillary Miller, English; Line Augustin Saint-Hilaire, Elementary and Early Childhood Education (EECE); Sheila Sanders, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Karen Ball, Linguistics and Communication Disorders (LCD); Peishi Wang, Educational and Community Programs; Ashraf Shady, Elementary and Early Childhood Education (EECE); Nicola Lucchi, European Languages and Literatures; Jorge Antonio Alves, Political Science; Karina Attar, European Languages and Literatures; Leila Walker, Emerging Technologies and Digital Scholarship Librarian. Not pictured: Larissa Swedell, Anthropology. For more information about this fellowship and seminar series, please visit the Fellowship website.