Here’s a quick round-up of some of our more trafficked tweets from October – also because some of them are still relevant and “evergreen” in the sense that their links or content will continue to inspire for years to come!

It’s always nice to start and finish a month off with some inspirational QC news – check out our own Douglas Rushkoff in conversation with yahoo!’s coindesk team:

Tipe3D Printing is over two months away but we’re already looking forward to this two-day online – and FREE! – event.

Anybody interested in diving into laser cutting & etching will absolutely want to take a look at “Introduction” page written by the folx at 3DHubs – it’s a great start to getting you to think like a laser lol!

Some big news from Autodesk last month was the ability to type text on a curved path in Fusion360 – Vladimir from DesktopMakes gives a great breakdown of the new feature.

The folx at Cincinnati-based Phynsa – makers of CAD solutions – recently launched their own repository of 3D-models called Thangs. It already has over 1M models to search through, and you can even upload a .STL to conduct a “geometric search” which is awesome!

If you’re a Linux user or Command Line guru be sure to check out Github user @herrbischoff’s list of Awesome CLI tools!